If you ever attended summer camp as a kid, you probably want to go back. It was such a fun experience. Remember all the cool stuff you got to do… archery, swimming, sailing, kayaking, hiking, camping, making fires, arts and crafts, camp-wide capture the flag, cook outs, dances, photography, sports, rock climbing, catching lightning bugs, and making new best friends. Those are experiences you’ll remember forever.
And even if you didn’t go to camp, those are all things you’d love to do during your summer vacation. Summer camps are awesome places to work and play. You’ll get to spend your time doing fun activities that you don’t get to do back in the classroom or the office. Plus, just like the kids, you can pick the type of summer camp that fits you best. There are so many different types of camps across the country. You can pick one close to home or somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. You can work a few hours each day or work 24/7 all summer. You can be on the ocean or deep in the mountains. You can be learning about outer space or sports or camping or chess or special education. There are so many choices.
The best thing to do is to research camps and understand the many kinds of summer camps before you just pick one. That way you can fine-tune your selection to work at a camp that best fits your interests.
Plus every camp has lots of different positions. You could be a summer camp counselor, camp lifeguard, nurse, groundskeeper, kitchen staff, camp director, or in administration.
Often you don’t need too much experience to land a job at a summer camp and if you don’t limit yourself there are plenty of entry-level positions available that you will love.
If you work at a summer camp you’ll get a paycheck. Often food, lodging, and all other camp activities are included so don’t expect it to be huge. You can figure around $200 to $300 a week. Which means since you won’t spend much while you are at camp, you’ll have a nice pile of cash to take back to college after a fun summer.
The biggest thing about summer camp is that you’ll be working with kids. If you don’t like kids, you may want to think about a different summer job. But if you like the unexpected, working with kids is a great way to spend your time.
Working at a summer camp as a camp counselor, lifeguard, cook, or in some other job may be as good as it gets. If you’re a kid at heart and you love to have a good time, check out the opportunities that summer camps offer. You won’t regret it.