When you work outdoors you are surrounded by wildlife. You will see wildlife every single day, It would be impossible not to. It may be as small as a mosquito or as large as a moose, but wildlife is everywhere. And more wildlife sees you from their hidden perches and under shrubs, than you can even imagine.
Working in the wilderness is awesome because you do have the opportunity to encounter great creatures. It might be a frightful run-in with a bear or a close encounter with a squirrel, but its wildlife and having those encounters is why you’re out in the woods to begin with.
There are tons of jobs that put you in direct contact with wildlife on a daily basis.
You may be a veterinarian that works with the forest service, a fish hatchery worker with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, a scuba diving park ranger with the National Park Service, a wildlife rescuer, a forest biologist, or any number of positions that’s put you out in the fresh air where the animals live.
Wildlife jobs are not too hard to get. Yes, some take extensive training, like being a veterinarian, but others are plentiful for entry-level workers like you. The job requirements are minimal and you’ll get the opportunity to get out and see the wilds. Jobs where you are hands on with animals are harder to get, because lots of people want to work animals, especially wild animals, even though those jobs can be dangerous.
To really be hands on with animals in the wild, you’ll need training and you may have to work with professionals. A good place to gain animal experience is at the Humane Society. But if you’re determined to get out in the field and really get in touch with your wild side. There are jobs available for you, if you are qualified.
You may work as a field worker for a season and get college credit. Field workers can do lots of things – conservation, inspecting different environments, research, or ecology. These science majors are out in the field all the time – the same fields that elk and fox roam. Another job is catching, tagging, and trapping birds for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. This is literally a hands-on job because you’ll be attaching radio collars to birds, then studying where they go. Field workers can plan on $11 to $14 an hour.
Working with animals is awesome. Sometimes the best way to get these jobs is to work for a season at a park or forest to make contacts. Then the next season you’re there, you’ll know all the right people to ask for the best jobs. Once you get the job, you’ll probably hang on to it for a while.